Our Unplugged program is designed primarily for those living in the West though we welcome people of all backgrounds. We particularly look for people who come to their work with an anti-racist framing and are well positioned within their community/ies to work for justice upon return.
In 6-10 days, we visit Palestinian cities, villages and refugee camps in the West Bank and spend time with internally displaced Palestinian people living inside Israel. We also meet with a small number of Jewish Israelis. Throughout the journey, we help participants develop an understanding of daily life under occupation and apartheid and the history of the region from people profoundly affected by and under-represented in Western discourses about the region.
After the program we support our participants' involvement in human rights based and justice oriented efforts, including contributing to the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel until it complies with international law. This initiative is a direct response to the 2005 call from Palestinian civil society and is designed in the footsteps of the ultimately successful movement against South African apartheid.
New: Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Travel Program

Our Re-Plugged program is for Palestinian children living in refugee camps. In two to three days, we visit Jerusalem, the sea and the villages their grandparents fled in 1948. The children stay with families who are Palestinian citizens of Israel. They document their experiences with cameras and create exhibits in order to contribute to the collective memory in the refugee camp and to share their stories with people abroad.
This experience is nearly impossible for most Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, who receive identity cards at age 16 which Israel uses to control their movement. As internationals we are able to move with relative freedom and so, unlike the children's parents and grandparents, we can take them on this trip.
In January-February 2008, Birthright Re-Plugged ran workshops for Palestinian children in refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, and incorporated their photography and writing about their experiences and their family histories into our exhibitions.
Birthright Unplugged has three exhibits of photography by children in living in refugee camps in the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria that are available to tour. To find out more: BRUP Exhibit Requirements (pdf file)